5 Influencer Platforms Everyone Needs!

Hey Friends! Let’s chat about the hot topic going around. Influencing. . . It is now a multibillion dollar industry. WHY? Because nothing is better than sharing a brand with your girl pal on social media . While commercials and advertisements are still here, Social Media will always reign supreme, at least for now. So you want to be an Influencer? Honestly, everyone is an influencer. Did someone ask where you got that yummy drink from Starbucks you posted or cute shirt you wore yesterday? If so, that’s INFLUENCING my friends. We all have that magical power but it’s up to you to leverage it and GET PAID! So let’s get to the fun stuff.

So what is an Influencer Platform? Similar to that good ‘ol Indeed or Job board where you find jobs. We go there to apply for jobs (campaigns) with brands we love. So let’s get to the nitty gritty.

Influencer Platforms

  1. AspireIQ

  2. Activate

  3. Clever

  4. Social Fabric

  5. Obviously

  6. Bonus RewardStyle/Shop Style Collective

Guys, I’ve earned over $85k with platforms. This number omits the amount I made with PR too so that gives you an idea of the goal I’ve come across. While I love each one, you do have a few requirements with each. Before you jump into the influencer pool, make sure you are positioned to do so. If you’d like to know what that is, Schedule a chat with me here.

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Photos by Myesha Tamu Boudoir


Antoinette F-M

— Meet Antoinette —

God fearing Wife, Mother of 3, Social Media Manager, and Blogger. Blogs about her passion with social media, journey through motherhood and wifehood, sharing her testimonies, and honest product reviews.


Why I chose to be a Social Media Manager


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