3 Sunday Success Tips you need!

This is your Sunday reminder you can do ANYTHING this week! I love Sundays for so many reasons. It’s always a good reason to reset and prepare for the new week. Can I share a few secrets to my success this year? Great, because I wanted to share them anyway. Here’s 3 things that helped me be successful this year

Bible before Social Media

I have done this for years actually but since Social Media has been my main source of income, I have to prepare my mind and heart before I get on Social Media. I have curated a feed where I see nothing but things I enjoy. However, some things do fall through the cracks. So I’m at ease when I read my bible. I love reading new bible plans and I just started sharing the prayer in the Bible app.


Guys, tithing is REAL. Most times you can tithe your time, money, and hands. In the beginning of this year I tithed my last. I will say it was hard at the time but now that the overflow is here, I’m thankful. I don’t consider the give money get money all time. When I tithe, I expect for my little portion to go towards the kingdom. Most times this yields unexpected blessings. They’re not always monetary but they’re sweet and I’m thankful.

Rest and Self Care

Rest is usually nonexistent sometimes with children but for so many years, rest seemed like a luxury I would never obtain. I am a night owl so I loved staying up late and working. Question is what was I really working on? Who knows, but now the great thing is I prioritize it. Self care has been on the menu and I don’t see it stopping anytime soon. It has really helped me get in tune with myself. I can say this has really helped my confidence as a mother and woman. Treating myself never felt so good. I pray we can stop the hustle and bustle culture and stick to R E S T.

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I pray you’re able to see sweet success with these tips and more. Prepare yourself this Sunday to not only be successful this week but for 2022 too. I plan to not wait until the new year to start my goals. I know what I want and NEED for next year. I also want what God wants for me too. Do you like newsletters? Get a weekly newsletter from me. I promise I will not spam you! Subscribe here If you’re not, Follow me on Instagram and Facebook

Photos by Myesha Tamu Boudoir


Antoinette F-M

— Meet Antoinette —

God fearing Wife, Mother of 3, Social Media Manager, and Blogger. Blogs about her passion with social media, journey through motherhood and wifehood, sharing her testimonies, and honest product reviews.


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