How to prioritize self care in 2022

If you’ve been following my stories on Instagram lately, you’d know that I don’t play about self care. This is definitely a luxury I didn’t always have. However, once I saved my little coins it was so worth my mental health. I used to think doing anything for myself was selfish. My kids always need something. What about mama? I can’t be a full cup to them if I’m burnt out and tired everyday. Here’s why you need to prioritize your self care in 2022.

Schedule the appointment

When I first scheduled the appointment for a Brazilian, Facial, Mani & Pedi, it was HARD. I mean do I really need these things? It’s always something I could be putting this money towards. Then I hit schedule and a huge sigh of relief comes through my body. I wanted to do this for so long. I read my old journals the other day and I was yearning for a massage. If you’re reading this, go book an appointment. Even if you have to get the lowest package or just regular polish, DO IT! Especially before the C-word runs rapid again.

My recommendations for the Hampton Roads area includes Waxed by Bri for Brazilians, Top Nails & Spa for nails, J.Coles for hair, Skindeepby Xena, Brows by Dolce Beauty ( I get mine threaded).

Self Care can be anything

If you’re tight on funds, here’s a few options I used to do to really get a breather. Take walks around my neighborhood, walk around in Target or the mall, put the phone down, take a long shower, read a book, rearrange furniture, or create a dream board.

Self care doesn’t have to be expensive. I was just tired of being stuck in the house from the pandemic. I also just got a therapist, I’m so hype because woo. New Levels, New Devils.

Put yourself first

If you’re a mom, I can understand how hard this is. Honestly once I had my children, I figured my days of having fun were gone. I actually used to feel guilty if I wanted alone time. Well if I was able to tell my younger self something, it would be to go FILL your cup! Moms overwork themselves and still have to find time to pour into others. I encourage you to put yourself first and be a little stingy in 2022. As harsh as that sounds, you deserve it. You deserve to be happy and loved. You have so much life to live and it should be appreciated. So do you boo haha.

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I hope you make Self Care a priority in 2022. This is your sign to do what’s best for you. Save a couple extra pennies for your nails or facial. Ask for a membership or ways to save. I know my nail salon gives a discount if you use cash. It’s always different ways to save in certain areas. Follow me on Instagram and Facebook

Photos by Casie Bolden


Antoinette F-M

— Meet Antoinette —

God fearing Wife, Mother of 3, Social Media Manager, and Blogger. Blogs about her passion with social media, journey through motherhood and wifehood, sharing her testimonies, and honest product reviews.


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