3 Tips to Spice Up Your Marriage
There is a such thing as young marriages lasting. I’ve heard people say when it feels too good to be true, it probably is. FALSE! It feels darn good and it’s OK! Growing up I probably only seen 2 successful marriages. I knew I wanted to set the example of being that couple to show young adults it’s possible. I also wanted our marriage to be real and not for show. Yes, we take nice pictures and videos. However, what matters most to me is the other side of the camera. THE REALITY!
We are NOT perfect. We argue like anyone else but we have an understanding and we’re adults. We are not old school. Where the adults just let any and everything linger. We are going to talk about the good bad and ugly. We take our vowels very seriously. Also fun fact; we didn’t have a wedding. We were two young adults very nervous and at the Justice of Peace. I would love to have a wedding one day but, honestly I’m thankful for where we are now. Here’s 3 ways to spice up your marriage!
Date Your Spouse
This may be cliche but I’m serious. Dating my husband keeps the flame flickering. This wasn’t a luxury we always had and when we did finally get away from the kids we just wanted to sleep. Now we make it a priority. As we get older we realize that once the children are out of the nest, it’ll be just us. We usually have a Monday date but really it’s whatever day we can be on one accord. Dates also don’t have to take a lot of money. One day we went to Starbucks for a drink and came home and watched movies in bed. This is imperative in any relationship. Things can start feeling like a routine and most times you become roommates instead of wife and husband. Long story short, DATE YOUR SPOUSE!
I’m going to stick beside him lol
Again this is a given right. Most couples do NOT do this unfortunately. I can’t say we are perfect in this department but I like to talk so he will hear what I have to say haha. This is something that has really spiced up our marriage. Why? Because we communicate about a lot of things including when we NEED something from each other. When we NEED our love language at that moment. We communicate before we make huge life decisions. We also communicate when we are feeling “SPICY” if you know what I mean lol. Plain and Simple communication is really KEY! You owe it to yourself and sanity to communicate your needs and wants to your partner. If we don’t agree we come to an understanding. It’s always room for improvement. Which leads me to the next tip. . .
Have Sex
Ok moms please don’t read this part haha 😂. One time I heard this pastor say Sex in marriage is a form of worship and babyyyy it is. I will be honest, after having my children hormones CHANGED the game. However, I noticed when we finally came together it brought so much peace and happiness between one another. The more you have sex in your marriage, the better the connection. Now here’s a little tip with sex. Make it fun! I don’t mean you have to have dungeons like 50 shades of grey lol. I mean do things to keep the anticipation. For example Musa used to use Eventbrite. He would schedule an event like “Time with me” or “Freaky time” and get the candles lit and set the mood during that time. It was so cute and all I had to do was accept his invitation. I truly love those little gestures that makes you smile no matter what may be going on.
I hope these tips help bring a little spice in your relationship and/or marriage. When you have the right one by your side, you’re unstoppable. I’ll be honest I’m very independent but I still love to have my strong man next to me. Comment below if these tips work for you! Do you like newsletters? Get a weekly newsletter from me. I promise I will not spam you! Subscribe here If you’re not, Follow me on Instagram and Facebook.
Antoinette F-M
— Meet Antoinette —
God fearing Wife, Mother of 3, Social Media Manager, and Blogger. Blogs about her passion with social media, journey through motherhood and wifehood, sharing her testimonies, and honest product reviews.